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Wembury Primary School

Wembury Primary School

Pupil Premium

Did you know that even though your child is provided with a Universal free school meal, in KS1/EYFS, you can generate extra funding for the school if you are entitled to Free School Meals by simply logging on to the Citizen Portal?

Every applicant will receive an instant eligibility check via the DfE Eligibility Checking System which is connected to the portal. Someone who has their entitlement proved by the check will be presented with a screen, stating they are eligible. The applicant is the advised to print this or alternatively they can take a screenshot of it to prove eligibility to the school.

The Citizens Portal allows parents/carers of children, to make applications for school places (including in-year admissions), two year old funding and free school meals for children from Foundation Stage to Year 6.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the Department for Education to enhance the education of the most socio-economically deprived pupils. Allocation of funding is made according to the number of pupils entitled to free school meals within the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM) and children in care (known as LAC) or children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption that attend the school in Years Foundation to Year 6. There is also additional pupil funding (known as the Service Premium) for any pupil who has or has had within the last five years a parent in the armed forces (known as Ever 5 Service). Wembury Primary School targets the additional funding, as appropriate, at eligible pupils and does not simply absorb it into the whole-school budget.

N.B. All children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 at state schools in England automatically get free school meals. However, parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for free school meals when they enrol their child in school, as this can help their child’s school to attract additional ‘pupil premium’ funding to support learning. From Year 3 onwards, children whose parents are eligible for free school meals will attract the Pupil Premium funding.