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Wembury Primary School

Wembury Primary School

Our Curriculum

Life for learning for life…

Staff make every effort to enrich the educational experiences of our children so that they are motivated, engaged and excited about their learning. 

At Wembury Primary School, we believe that children have a right to expect a curriculum which is fun, motivating, interesting, challenging and most importantly purposeful. We strive to develop imagination through a stimulating, creative environment where every child has the opportunity to shine.

The curriculum aims to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve, irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. We believe that the curriculum should stimulate enjoyment of, and commitment to, learning as a means of encouraging the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all pupils, preparing them effectively for the next steps in their education and for life.



Our Curriculum has three broad aims. It should enable all young people to become:

• successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress, develop good learning skills and achieve;

• confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives; with a sense of self-worth and personal identity, and who are able to form good relationships with others;

• responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society, who value and respect others and the environment and take an active role in their school and wider community.


Our curriculum will:

  • develop children’s learning skills, life skills, knowledge and understanding and the ability to apply these in all areas of life;
  • be holistic in approach to learning; all children will feel valued and included;
  • be focused on developing a positive attitude for learning;
  • be planned to develop imagination and independence;
  • ensure that every child should have the opportunity to experience success and recognition;
  • adapt to pupils’ needs and overcome potential barriers for individuals or groups of pupils;
  • encourage learning and teaching that is stimulating and challenging to prepare children for now and the future;
  • acknowledge that English, mathematics, computing, Oracy, British Values and personal development should be linked purposefully with foundation subjects;
  • value the arts for their intrinsic quality, to promote self-esteem, leadership opportunities and provide an interesting stimulus for all areas.

A wide range of partnerships makes a strong contribution to our dynamic, creative curriculum, enhancing pupils’ awareness of the wider world. Exciting and varied trips, events, visitors and residentials, extend the learning beyond the classroom and school. Our curriculum promotes the success and happiness of every child.

Further information on curricular content can be found using the curriculum tabs below and within each year group, class page.